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Now downloading free:Ericsson 2 00021-2 FEA209544 21UEN C

Ericsson 2 00021-2 FEA209544 21UEN C free download

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File name:2_00021-2_FEA209544_21UEN_C.PDF
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Model:2 00021-2 FEA209544 21UEN C 🔎
Original:2 00021-2 FEA209544 21UEN C 🔎
Descr: . Rare and Ancient Equipment Ericsson Mobile Phones ERICSSON R320 ERICSSON R320 3 2_00021-2_FEA209544_21UEN_C.PDF
Group:Electronics > GSM Mobile Phones
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File name 2_00021-2_FEA209544_21UEN_C.PDF

Standard Test Description Standard Test Description Applicable for R320s and R320sc Abstract This document describes the working instruction for standard repair package for R320. Application This document contains information about what tests must be performed and how to do them. Contents 1 General...2 2 Test actions ...2 3 Testflow...2 3.1 Software update and activities...2 3.2 Go/no go test ...2 3.3 Manual test ...2 4 Revision History...4 2/00021-2/FEA 209 544/21 C Approved according to 1776-2/FEA 209 544 Standard Test Description 1 General Applicable for all R320 products. 2 Test actions To verify all components within standard repair package, all test actions must be performed. 3 Testflow 3.1 Software update and activities Update to latest signalling software and run the service activities software from EMMA shell.. 3.2 Go/no go test Verifies that the radio parameters of the phone fulfils the GSM900/GSM1800 specifications. Start the test according to the instructions supplied with the software. If all measurements are approved this will be visualised and if not, all faults will be presented either on the screen or printed out. Connect the phone via antenna cable to the test set. Power up the phone with a fully charged battery and a test SIM card inserted. Start the test script according to the supplied manual and follow the given instructions. Perform an audio test by talking into the microphone and listen to the backlooped sound in the earphone. Check that the green topindicator flashes at "service" and that the buzzer sounds at "call to mobile" if that test is perfor

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